The marketing sessions focus on bringing the port to the market, gathering insight in customer needs, identifying the unique selling points and position the port in the marketplace. From the port authority prespective, the marketing include promoting the port and their concessionaires.
When marketing the port, interacting with port users and community communication is the tool to convey messages, opinions and information. The faculty will focus on preparing, tuning and tweaking and deliveing consistent and uniform messages, built on a solid communication stategy. The focus will be on all types of modern media, including social media.
After the seminar, participants will have acquied the following skill and knowkedge:
Develop, define and implement marketing and communication strategies to attract and keep customers.
Key decision makers, Senior management, strategy and policy makers, Port consultants
– The commecial stategy and role of ports and terminals
– Identify customer needs
– Market study strategies to map port potential
– Marketing techiniques to present and use the USP’s to convince prospects
– Business development
– Communication
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